We start off by finding the ideal American-grown hemp — flowers that smoke smoothly and have enough CBD to pack a punch. (Easier said than done, they told us — they were right)
Harsh and bitter? No thanks. Save that for the sub-par hemp cigarettes. Hemp needs to be grown, harvested, and washed in a specific way that allows it to smoke well. Most farmers overlook these steps — not ours.
Sampled 40 varieties from 30 farmers. Finally, we found three farmers who shared our passion for A+ hemp. Hands were shaken. Three special strains were selected to complete our premium blend.
What’s so special? These three varieties smoked well, were rich in CBD, tasted good, and passed California’s strict testing standards. We kicked pesticides and heavy metals to the curb.
Hemp is carefully sifted to remove stems and seeds before being grinded and milled to the perfect consistency. Stems are harsh and bitter, and seeds even more so. Have you had a hemp cigarette that crackled when lit? That's because the maker didn't sift it properly for seeds. We solved these problems because seeds and stems aren't meant to be smoked.
DID YOU KNOW? Density impacts the smoking experience in a BIG way. Roll cigarettes too tightly and they’ll be hard to smoke. Too loose? They’ll fall apart or burn out.
For our flavored lines, we hand selected only the highest quality ingredients to be used: a bit of peppermint & chocolate or sweet vanilla. Each hemp cigarette is infused using our proprietary flavoring technique for a supremely delicious smoke. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it.
Finally, sweetened filter tips are added to enhance the smoking experience. This is the icing on the cake. Go ahead, take a puff — you’ll immediately taste our signature sweet flavor in every hemp cigarette.
Want to learn more about our story and the CRÉME by Sugar CBD Cigarette experience? We’ve got you covered.